August Praise, Prayer and Schedule
Dear Prayer Partners,
Amy and I are in Reeves, Louisiana staying this week at Camp Pearl. We are having many opportunities for ministry and fellowship with friends. We get back home on Saturday and will be home the rest of August. Please use the following to keep us in your prayers.
PRAISE: We are thankful for the Lord’s protection and safety as we have been traveling. We have enjoyed the ministry in churches and appreciate their encouragement. Amy got a good preliminary report from her endoscopy. Cara is safely in Korea and enjoying teaching at the school. Good visit with Jerry’s brother Bo, when we were in Houston last week.
PRAYER: Please remember the four meetings that we are involved in planning this fall. (The Golf Retreat, September 11-15; The Pastors Summit, September 25-28; The Pastors Meeting at Camp Pearl, October 16-18; The Workshop Faculty Training, October 24-27). Pray for our strength both spiritually and physically as we travel and minister.
13 --- AM, Lake Charles Bible Church, Lake Charles, LA
13 --- PM, Broadlands Bible Church, DeRidder, LA
14 --- Meeting with pastors in Baton Rouge, LA
15 --- Mentoring class with Pastoral trainee from Lake Charles Bible Church.
16 --- Faith Bible Church, Lake Charles, LA
17 --- Evangelism Training at Lake Charles Bible Church.
18-19 --- Drive to Atlanta
20 --- PM, Comissioning Service, Dacula First Baptist, Dacula, GA
22 --- Pastors lunch, Buford, GA
27 --- Dacula First Baptist
30 --- Dacula First Baptist
8 --- Drive to Greenville, SC
9 --- Workshop, Summit View, Baptist Church
10 --- Am, Summit View Baptist Church
11-15 --- Golf Retreat, BMW
16 --- Fall Festival, Dacula First Baptist.
18-20 --- Fellowship of Missions meeting, BMW
20 --- Fly to Los Angeles
21 --- Am, The Masters Seminary, Sun Valley, CA
21 --- PM, Los Angeles Bible Training School
22-24 --- Workshop and Mission Conference, Los Angeles Community Bible Church.
25 --- Fly to Atlanta
25-28 --- Pastors Summit, BMW
12-13 --- IFCA Dixie Regional, Grace Bible Church, Valdosta, GA
13-14 --- Drive to Louisiana
15 --- AM, Kinder Bible Church, Kinder, LA
15 --- PM, Dry Creek Bible Church, Dry Creek, LA
16-18 --- Pastors Summit, Camp Pearl, Reeves, La
18 --- Drive to Atlanta
20 --- Fly to Milwaukee
20-22 --- Workshop and Mission Conference, Waukesha Bible Church, Waukesha, WI
23 --- Fly to Atlanta
24-27 --- Workshop Faculty Training, BMW
27 --- Southeast USA Church Planters Networking
Jerry and Amy Smith