Tuesday, August 01, 2006

America's Return

We are putting together the new ministry with which I am involved and wanted you to see the direction we are going.

A BMW Church Planting Initiative in the United States

The Program
BMW is partnering with IFCA International and other independent churches to spearhead a movement to see local churches planted and strengthened. To do this we have three main goals:
1. Help Local Churches Plant Churches
2. Train Church Planters
3. Plant Churches in areas where there is no sound, biblical influence.

To accomplish these goals we are utilizing our ministry resources and expertise which we have gained from many years of church planting around the globe, and applying it right in our own back yard.
Presently we are focusing this work in the Southeast US with resources available in other areas. We have 3 BMW couples involved in present works along with 6 other church planters. Our current needs and opportunities are mainly in the following areas:
v Georgia
v Louisiana
v South Carolina

Our vision for this ministry is to see at least 2 churches planted or 2 churches training to plant a church in each of the 10 states* in the Southeast by the year 2015.

The Problem
America – A Mission Field?
With what appears to be a church on every corner, and a Judeo Christian heritage, some might ask how this country can be considered a mission field? Consider the following:
Ø We have a biblical mandate to reach our Judea and Samaria (Acts 1:8); we have a mandate to make disciples of every nation (including our own); we are to preach the Gospel to every creature (including the people around us); and we have a biblical example of the fulfillment of these mandates (Acts, the epistles). We cannot be biblical without fulfilling the Great Commission at all three levels of context: local, national, global. This by default argues for missions in the US.
Ø Population growth statistics demonstrate the need for more churches in the US. In 1999 it was projected that the US would grow by the rate of approximately 7,000 people daily between the years 2000-2050 (Forbes Magazine, January 1999). To date, the growth rate has met and exceeded this pace.
Ø The increasingly weakening condition of the existing American church justifies the intensified efforts of missions in America. We have churches closing at rates that heighten the need for them to be replaced, especially in light of the growth statistics.
Ø The present philosophical attitude of relativism that prevails over our culture must be challenged by an increasing presence of Christian witness to the objective truth of God’s revelation as recorded in Scripture, followed with a witness that calls the culture to a moral responsibility to that body of revelation.
Ø One third or seventy six million American adults do not attend any type of church service or activity.
This along with many other telling truths allow one to easily see that the US is clearly as much of a mission field as any country on the planet.

The Prognosis
As we begin to implement this program and fulfill our vision by working with and through local churches throughout the southeast USA, we believe we will see God do a mighty work to reverse the negative tide mentioned above and we will see America Return to be truly “One Nation Under God.” It’s not impossible or even improbable, but we need your help!
If you would be interested in joining this new, exciting and growing facet of BMW’s ministry as a church planter and/or church planting trainer, we would love to talk to you about becoming a part of our team.
Maybe you are interested in learning how to be a church planter. We’d love to talk to you about joining the team and the possibility of joining a current work.
Lastly, if your church has a vision for seeing other Bible based, disciple making, God centered churches planted in your area, contact us about the people, workshops and other resources we have available to help you make that vision a reality.
For more information please contact the field director for this work, Jerry Smith.

* The 10 states included in the Southeast are:
South Carolina
North Carolina
Put map hereMississippi
West Virginia


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