Sunday, March 07, 2010

March Stepping Stones

Smith Stepping Stones
Psalm 37:23-"The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way."

March 2, 2010

Dear Friends,

It is a great joy to see the Lord bringing together our Prayer Force. We are so thankful to have 232 people who are praying for us daily, and we are looking forward to reaching our goal of 300 soon. We are so encouraged and strengthened when we realize every day that so many people are praying for us. Jerry is sending out a daily prayer request on Twitter and Facebook as reminders to pray. If you would like to become a part of our prayer team, just let us know.

We were really blessed at the Pastors/Wives Retreat in Baton Rouge, LA. the first three days of February. Dr. John Talley challenged us to have a more effective prayer life by praying Biblically, using prayers from the Bible as a basis for our prayers for others. It was a wonderful time of challenge from the Word and of sharing with other couples who are in fulltime ministry. We spent a few days visiting long time friends in Reeves and Lake Charles, LA. It was relaxing and encouraging to stay at Camp Pearl and enjoy great fellowship with Don and Angie Barrett.

After our trip to Louisiana we were able to be home for ten days and get caught up on some things at home and at my office. Amy was finally able to get all the Christmas decorations down and we had opportunities to spend some time with family and friends.

On February 19 we flew to Los Angeles for almost three weeks of ministry. We are staying in the guest apartment at our Deaf/Blind ministry, and we have been visiting and fellowshipping with many friends in the area. It has been a special blessing to spend a lot of time with our granddaughter, Cara. Jerry spoke at First Fundamental Bible Church, in La Puente our first Sunday here. On the 28th we were at Los Angeles Community Bible Church. Both these churches are special to us and we always are blessed to be able to minister and fellowship with them. Many people in both churches have joined our prayer team and this gives us an even closer relationship with each church.

Thank you for praying for us,

Serving with Joy,

Jerry and Amy


1) For 232 people in our Prayer Force.
2) For the encouragement we receive from God’s Word.
3) For God’s continual provision financially even during economic hard times.
4) For our wonderful family and friends.
5) For grandson, Derek’s, 4.0 grade average after his first semester of college.
6) For protection as we drive on the Los Angeles freeways J.
7) For the car God provided for Cara after her accident.
9) For our great co-workers in BMW.


1) For the Lord to bring us 300 prayer partners to pray for us daily.
2) For our ministry in California.
3) For Rodney and Chris Phillips as they begin ministry at The Church at Fayetteville, (NC)
4) For several couples to do church planting in several places in the Southeast.
5) For more opportunities to teach the Change Workshops.
6) For our own walk with the Lord and growth in our spiritual lives.
7) For all of our grandchildren to love God and follow after Truth.
8) For wisdom and boldness in all our contacts and witnessing.
9) For needed employment for our Son-in-law Todd.
10) For God’s protection of homes, vehicles and people in our neighborhood.


1 ---- Los Angeles Bible Training School, Los Angeles, CA
3-6 ---- Shepherds Conference, Sun Valley, CA
7 ---- Valley Korean Bible Church, Northridge, CA
9 ---- Fly Home
12 ---- Drive to Louisiana
13-14 ---- Mandeville Bible Church, Mandeville, LA
15 ---- Drive Home
16 ---- Pastors Lunch, Lawrenceville, GA
18-19 ---- Prof’s Summit, BMW Office
22-23 ---- IFCA Atlantic Southeast Regional, Martinez, GA
25 ---- Drive to PA
26-27 ---- Workshop, Bethany Chapel, Marion Center, PA
28 ---- Bethany Chapel, Marion Center, PA
29 ---- IFCA Western PA Region, Butler, PA

1-4 ---- Millersville Bible Church, Millersville, PA
5 ---- BMW Pastors Summit, Calvary Homes, Lancaster, PA
6 ---- Drive to Atlanta
13-14 ---- Drive to Kansas City
16 ---- Chapel at Calvary Bible College
16 ---- Drive to Jerseyville, IL
16-17 ---- Workshop, Grace Community Baptist Church
18 ---- Grace Community Baptist Church, Jerseyville, IL
19-21 ---- Pastors Conference, RHMA, Morton, IL

Biblical Ministries Worldwide
"A leader is a godly servant who knows where he is going and inspires and equips others to follow"

Jerry SmithChurch Relations
1595 Herrington RoadLawrenceville, GA 30043
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A Four-Part Prayer Plan for Every Believer

There are four elements that can measure the strength of a church, the power of the lives of individuals, and the depth of discipleship.

These areas we are examining one-by-one are:

reality in their spiritual life
integrity in their personal life
stability in their relational life
eternity during their temporal/earthly life

These truths are all summed up with the Scripture passage that teaches them, on a small card that I carry around in my wallet that corresponds to and summarizes the Word Filled family book.