December Stepping Stones
Psalm 37:23-“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in his way.”
Special Christmas Greetings,
We are looking forward to many enjoyable times with family and friends during this Christmas Season. We are usually home with no travels from Thanksgiving through Christmas. This year all our children and most of the grandchildren will be here for the Holidays. Also, Amy’s brother and sister with their families will be with us.
November was a full month of travel. We left on November 1 to drive to Michigan. On the way we spent some time with our friends, Larry and Susan Duncan, who are planting a church in the Louisville, KY area. When we arrived in Grandville, MI on November 3rd, we went to a Christian Bookstore for a book signing with David and Diane Munson. We have read several of their books and we really enjoyed getting to know them. When we left with our autographed books we also left with two new friends. We plan to visit with them when we go to Florida in January. That evening we arrived at the home of a special friend, Donna Nagelkirk, where we stayed for a full week. On Sunday, November 4, I spoke at Ottawa Center Chapel in Coopersville, MI and at Allegan Bible Church in Allegan, MI. The bi-annual IFCA Board Meeting was held in Grandville, MI, November 5-9, and during that time I had committee meetings and met with the board. We were able to get a lot accomplished in our business meetings. Thank you for praying for those meetings.
On Friday evening and Saturday, November 9-10, I taught a workshop at Whitneyville Bible Church in Alto, MI. We were in Lawrence, MI for the Sunday morning service on November 11, and enjoyed a good visit with Pastor Glen and Ruth Cowles and family. They have been at East Arlington Baptist Church for over 25 years, and the church has supported us most of that time.
On our way to Schroon Lake, NY, we stopped in Flushing, MI to spend a couple days with our daughter, Susan, and family. We also stopped in Binghamton, NY to visit with an "adopted" daughter, Lucy Friend, and President George Miller at Davis College. We attended the Word of Life Pastors Conference November 15-17, where we met new pastors and enjoyed our friendship with folks we see there every year. I spoke at Martindale Community Gospel Church, Craryville, NY on Sunday morning, November 18 and at Grace Bible Church, Wappingers Falls, NY that evening. Grace Bible Church has their annual Thanksgiving Dinner the Sunday evening before Thanksgiving and we have had the privilege of being a part of this evening for the past few years.
On Monday we drove to Richmond, VA were we had a great visit with two of Jerry's sisters. We drove home Tuesday night, arriving home at about 1 a.m. on Wednesday. Jill and Jana had planned for Thanksgiving dinner at our house and it was a special family time with all three of our daughters, two of our son-in-laws and also 5 of the grandchildren. Since then Amy has been decorating for Christmas and I have been catching up on things in the office.
Thanks for all you have done this year to encourage us in ministry. We love and appreciate you more than we can say. We plan to send a printed letter after Christmas with family pictures.
Jerry and Amy
1-Jerry’s new office will be completed today and he plans to move in next week.
2-We enjoyed a potluck meal in our neighborhood on Sunday, Dec. 2.
3-Our schedule is filling up well for next year.
4-Our car loan is down to about $3500.
1-For our church plant in Bethlehem, GA.
2-For family who will be traveling to Georgia to spend Christmas with us.
3-Our daughter Susan’s family has some special needs at this time.
4-We have an open house for our neighborhood this Sunday, Dec. 9. (3-5pm)
5-Some counseling opportunities in which I am involved
2 ---- Neighborhood potluck 5pm
4 ---- Church Plant Meeting, 7:30am
8 ---- Amy--ladies outing to Madison, GA.
9 ---- Open house, 3-5pm
17 ---- BMW office Christmas dinner.
18 ---- Special Lunch in Atlanta
15 ---- SS Christmas party
19 ---- Prayer Meeting, Dacula First Baptist
27-31 ---- Golf Vacation in Myrtle Beach
1-2 ---- Golf Trip
4 ---- Jerry fly to Albany, NY
4-6 ---- Mission Conference, Word of Life, Schroon Lake, NY
7 ---- Fly to Atlanta
8 ---- Annual Evaluation meeting, BMW office
9 ---- Drive to Florida
10-11 ---- Visit friends
11-13 ---- Mission Conference, Word of Life, Hudson FL
14 ---- Drive to Atlanta
14-25 ---- Candidate Orientation, BMW office
18 ---- Church Planters Networking, BMW office
26 ---- Drive to St. Louis
27 ---- South County Bible Church, St. Louis.
28 ---- Drive to Kansas City
28-31 ---- Mission Conference, Calvary Bible College
1 ---- Finish Mission Conference, Calvary Bible College
5 ---- Church Plant Meeting, 7:30am
11-13 ---- Pastors Retreat, Baton Rouge, LA