Monday, October 02, 2006

Monthly Update, Monday, October 2, 2006

Dear Friends,
This past month has been a blessed time of ministry for us. As you will see, it was packed full of activities and ministry opportunities. We began with a trip to Lawrence, Michigan to help celebrate 25 years of ministry for Glen and Ruth Cowles at East Arlington Baptist Church. EABC is one of our supporting churches, and Glen and Ruth have been good friends for about 24 years. It was fun to surprise them at the Sunday morning service and we had a wonderful time of remembering and appreciating all the Lord has done in their lives and the impact they have had in our lives. An added blessing was having our daughter Susan join us for that weekend.
The second weekend we were at Summit View Baptist Church in Greenville, South Carolina, where I did a workshop on Saturday and preached on Sunday Morning. Amy got to spend the day with some young friends, Nickolas and Jonathan, at the Greenville zoo while I did the workshop.
Each September I enjoy planning and hosting the BMW Golf Retreat. This year it was September 11-15. We had 9 or 10 each day to fellowship and play 36 holes of golf, and each night we spent some time in the Word. Each person that participated is planning to be back next year and expecting to bring some of their friends.
On September 16th we spent a fun day with our church family at Dacula First Baptist as we had our first Fall Festival with lots of games, hotdogs, hay rides and just good relaxing visits with our dear friends who are so supportive of our ministry and are always an encouragement to us.
The Fellowship of Missions annual meeting was held here at BMW on September 18-20. We hosted some of the delegates in our home and I attended the meetings while Amy helped Vince and Jill with cooking some of the meals.
We flew to Los Angeles on the 20th. We stayed two days at BMW’s Deaf/Blind ministry and I visited The Masters Seminary and also spoke at Los Angeles Bible Training School. Amy was able to spend some quality time with our missionary ladies who minister to the deaf and deaf/blind. Friday through Sunday (22-24) we were with Los Angeles Community Bible Church for their mission conference and I also did a workshop all day Saturday. We were encouraged by these believers who were so receptive to the principles taught in the workshop and so warm in their friendship to us. We left Los Angeles at 12:30 am, Monday, on the red eye flight back to Atlanta.
The last week I helped host a Pastors Summit at the BMW office. This was a great time of blessing to all who attended.
Thank you for praying for us. We appreciate getting notes and emails from some of you. God continues to give us good physical health and joy in serving Him. We post all our updates on our blogspot as well as some other items so check it out.
Jerry and Amy Smith


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